Auschwitz: The Nazis and the "Final Solution" Part 4 (BBC)
in 1943 our fritz was about to enter the most crucial phase of its existence one that would eventually make it the site of the largest mass murder in the world special
agent alliance once way in March 1943 new gas chambers and crematoria opened increasing dramatically the killing potential of the camp enormous wealth stolen from the arriving Jews flooded through our fix and contrary to the direct orders of the Nazi leadership individual members of the SS took great personal advantage they were taking home lots of gold and other valuables nobody counted it he was a bonanza for them this is the surprising and shocking story of life and death at Auschwitz during what for the Nazis at the camp was the start of the boom years of how corruption pervaded all aspects of the extermination process and why for many of the SS life was good the special situation at Auschwitz led to friendships of which I'm still saying today I like to look back on with joy [Music] [Music] our shits main camp was on the banks of the solar River in southern Poland and it was here that the commandant SS left-hand Colonel Rudolf Hoess worked hand in hand with businessman to grow a giant industrial complex for items help them find Vizag New Zealand's boom gained in Nagaland as you know Suzanne altom utley about sixty million Reichsmark 125 million pounds in today's money would be generated here for the Nazi state for there was not one of its County but many magazine then eventually there were 45 subcamps dotted around the region most providing slave labour for armaments factories and other industrial concerns and at the center of this web of slave labor and industry was the giant camp of Auschwitz Birkenau the vast our chef it's complex was now a self-contained universe a place to live a place to work a place to die at the heart of beer canal were the gas chambers one of which stood on this site selections were made from arriving transports of Jews those thought fit enough were taken away to be worked to death the remainder the old the weak the children were murdered immediately in buildings like these [Music] and there were people that they were starting to understand that something was funny going on there but nobody could do anything was the process had to go you know they had everything was done from the German point of view there were all precise the were the people screaming the the German 'scrimish National the Jews were ordered to undress and then forced towards a room further down the building and told they would take a shower could you imagine what what was done with the children and they the families the think they didn't know what to do scratching the walls crying until the day the guys take effect [Music] and when everything stopped you know and they open open the doors and I see these people I saw humans half an hour late before that they were going in I see them all standing up some black and blue from the gas no place were to go dead a few hundred yards from the gas chambers was the area of the camp known as Canada because Canada was thought to be a land of untold riches this is where the belongings snatched from the arriving transports were sorted before being repacked and sent back to Germany for the inmates working in Canada was one of the few sought-after jobs in the camp working in Canada saved my life because Abby had food we got water and that was the best working unit for life for us because we were not beaten the majority of inmates who worked in Canada were women they could grow their hair and were able to snatch extra food from the belongings as they sorted them against the explicit rules of the SS friendly relationships could develop in Canada between the German guards and the women prisoners hello Nazi trinova a Slovakian Jew who had been sent to Auschwitz in 1942 became the object of attention of one of the SS who worked in Canada geshe hornet nas.
latif officially avada t when he came into the barracks where I was working on he passed me by and through me and knew that actually bet deck right I destroyed it right there underneath but I did see the word love I fell in love with you Daffy ba T my polite laughter I thought I'd rather be dead than involved with an SS man if we have the lordy for a long time afterwards that was just a hatred I couldn't even look at him seen a vehicle til a beetle of but overtime Helenus feelings changed especially with the arrival of one particular train at auschwitz-birkenau Helenus sister was on board along with her daughter and baby son after they arrived at Birkenau Helena learnt that they were being taken to the gas chamber her SS admirer fans lunch ran to see if he could help as well Marley Danny Lima so he said to me tell me quickly what's your sister's name is before I'm too late and so I said you won't be able to she came with two little children he replied children that's different children can't live here so he ran to the crematorium and found my sister a tall man vanch could not save the children but he rescued helena sister claiming that she was a member of his work detail in Canada they can who Assad over here he did something great are you there were moments when I forgot that I was in German and that he was not a junior and honestly in the end I loved him everything but it could not be realistic both Helena and her sister survived Auschwitz and although nothing came of her relationship with lunch she did give evidence on his behalf at his war crimes trial many years later there were other temptations for the SS in Canada every piece had to be searched underwear everything and we found lots of diamonds gold coins money dollars foreign currency from all over Europe workers in Canada were meant to put any valuables they found in a locked box in the center of the barracks but their SS guards often managed to interfere with this procedure they were taking home lots of gold and other valuables because they were stealing nobody counted it and it went on all the time but if a lot of stuff is piled up together then you can easily stash away something for your personal gain stealing things for yourself was absolutely common practice in Auschwitz in 1943 Oskar Corning was a 22 year old corporal in the SS he'd been employed in a bank before the war and so was put to work in Auschwitz managing the foreign money stolen from the incoming transports every few months he'd pack up the currency and take it to Berlin supervision was so lacks that he had the chance to steal some of it for himself using it to buy goods on the thriving black market in Auschwitz one day cloning decided he'd like to buy his own handgun so I said my dear friend I need a pistol with ammunition and he said well how much do you want to spend I don't know what does it cost well you as the dollar King should pay in dollars so I'd say it'll cost you $30 and then he came back with the pistol and got his $30 the ready availability of foreign currencies and valuables to pilfer was just one of the reasons that Auschwitz was a surprisingly attractive posting for many members of the SS a schvitz was not just a profitable place to be for them it was also a good deal more comfortable than fighting with their comrades against the Red Army on the Eastern Front Oscar system Lara the main camp of Auschwitz was like a small town with its gossiping there was chatting there was a grocery where you could buy bones to make broth we were fatty anaconda let's count by the kunti there was a canteen there was a cinema there was a theater with regular performances let's go there was a Sports Club of which I was a member it was all fun and entertainment just like a small town alcohol played a big role there every day we were allocated a ration with alcohol which sometimes we'd all collect to have a really big drinking far from being driven to psychological torment by the knowledge that they were participating in the mass murder of men women and children the majority of SS working at Auschwitz seemed to have carried out their jobs with few qualms first with death and starvation around them they gorged themselves on food and drink much of it stolen from the arriving transports just go be Lee they drank everything there it was like some kind of gangsters feast they drank they sang they patted each other there was an assortment of alcohol on the table a whole variety of French cognacs and we serve them food duck thought okay it's just coffee it all looked so disgusting this feast but when the prisoner overseer pashka saw one of them vomiting he said with contempt these pigs sure know how to format big 30 calls a Gao ze it was only the prisoners who were to be starved to death Bobby being at the camp was a slow execution through starvation staying at hard labor yeah yearns compress the SS however lacked for nothing and when we look at this feast the guns all Swiss we saw out our Schmitz military discipline was actually very loose also discipline or the lack of discipline meant that we went to bed completely pissed and we had our pistols in their holsters hanging off the bed frame and when somebody was too lazy to turn off the light we just shot and nobody said anything about the bullet holes in the wall getting wildly drunk was only one symptom of a widespread attitude among the SS that the circumstances of Auschwitz allowed them to behave however they liked even on occasion commit sexual assault the women most at risk worked in the sorting area Canada via fax whines that's what the SS officers called us there was we looked we looked as though we were from the normal world not like the others your stuff it I eat once there was a very good-looking woman she wasn't feeling G she had a full body SS a Christian an SS man came in here 800 there was no God in Auschwitz there was such horrible conditions that God decided not to go there it wasn't just men who exploited the situation they found themselves in women did as well Yoma Glaser was one of 170 female SS staff at Auschwitz she was just 20 years old in 1943 and her combination of beauty and cruelty was to make her notorious but there was nothing in her background before she came to the camp to give any hint of the monster that she was to become she didn't go to school she was a farmer's daughter yakmala I thought she was a small silly country bumpkin sadly Oh chica Dora she became someone just because she was wearing a uniform level Dostal attorney formal and had a whip in her hand bitch broke llamo Kaiser was one of the SS who supervised the women's camp at Auschwitz Birkenau by the end of 1943 in the southern part of the camp complex there were 30, 000 women housed in 62 barracks in some of the worst conditions in the whole of Auschwitz [Music] there was little running water and disease was rampant for Alma Glaser the women's camp became a sadistic playground she shot one woman dead who was standing in front of me her brains landed on my shoulder gets us conscious or silly the next day after the selections yam I came to see me I refused to talk to her she asked are you angry with me give us I replied you nearly killed me yesterday but I'll eat she answered one time he doesn't matter after the war al McCrae sir was tried for war crimes and sentenced to death she was executed two months after her 22nd birthday but it was a member of the SS who worked on this site where crematorium – in beer canal once stood who became most infamous for exploiting the opportunities Auschwitz had to offer [Music] dr.
Joseph Mengele arrived at Auschwitz in May 1943 there had been medical experiments conducted at the camp before his arrival at least two German doctors had been examining new methods of sterilizing men and women at Auschwitz since 1942 and in the process hundreds had already suffered but Mengele began a variety of new experiments each related to his own obsessions he saw a schvitz as a human laboratory one which allowed him to pursue any idea he had no matter how bestial or inhumane he experimented on children particularly on twins this footage shows some of the children he selected filmed by the Soviets immediately after the liberation of the camp it is thought that Mengele used these children to research the power of genetic inheritance an area of interest to many Nazi scientists children were installed in special barracks the Mengel is exclusive use [Music] custody Anacostia imperious everyday Mengele came and every day he brought some toys sweets chocolates and new clothes shut thee the children called Mengele the good uncle but his treatment of them was entirely cynical because he wanted them to cooperate when he came to pick them for his experiments [Music] Mangala came in every morning after a real call to come to us he wanted to know every morning how many guinea pigs here three times a week both of my arms would be tied to restrict the blood flow and they took a lot of blood from my left arm on occasion enough blood until we fainted at the same time that they were taking blood they would give me a minimum of five injections into my right arm after one of those injections I became extremely ill and dr.
Mengele came in next morning was for other doctors he looked at my fever chart and he said laughing sarcastically he said too bad she is so young she has only two weeks to live I would fade in and out of consciousness and in a semi-conscious state of mind I would keep telling myself I must survive I must survive they were waiting for me to die I would I have died my twin sister Miriam would have been rushed immediately to Mengele slab killed with an injection to the heart and the Mengele would have done the comparative autopsies that is the way most of the twins died for the comparative examination from the viewpoint of anatomy and pathology the twins had to die at the same time so it was that they met their death at the hands of dr.
Mengele this phenomenon was unique in world medical history twin brothers died together and it was possible to perform autopsies on both where under normal circumstances can one find twin brothers who died at the same place and at the same time nigde Sonny Smith yo people cannot ask why there was no Y in Auschwitz only was [Music] I was asked by somebody you're very strong how did you become very strong and I said I have no choice I overcame or I would have perished Mengele experimented not just on twins but also on dwarves and prisoners with the form of gangrene of the face known as Noma which was common in Birkenau because of the privations in which inmates were held he worked closely with an anthropological Institute in Berlin sending them human body parts especially eyeballs the parcels were stamped urgent war materials dr.
Mengele was a member of Heinrich Himmler's SS and liked Mengele every member of the SS was told to pride themselves on their hardness and lack of pity but during 1943 Himmler realized that he must try harder to prevent the SS from being as he saw it corrupted by the extermination of the Jews in a speech he gave at Poznan on the 4th of october 1943 himmler spelt out just how he wanted the SS to feel about the murders this will all angles fearless capital really here for in and allah often heightened enemy assaults movements Oscars for ensign and towards Damien vanished indelicate me we were in humanity you would never call your own the outfit on desolation focus on these documents are on table I up cos information Houston American understandable in Suzanne at once hard chemical destiny marks cannon tests on him art soon and in the school's blood he rushed to Medici Hutton ambien up Kanaan or they have inflicted the filthy demon in or begotten Philip Alderfer touch the armed is arrived to my ass lost my esteem start up the Fiat Muhammad snitched stuff on genomic but it was all lies because in a place like ash wits commandant Rudolf hearse was presiding over an institution that was riddled with corruption so much so that in the autumn of 1943 another SS officer left hand and Konrad morgen arrived to look into the running of the camp there was to be no investigation of course into the fact that every week thousands of innocent people were being murdered in the gas chambers in Himmler's eyes that was a sacred duty instead Morgan's investigation was to be centered on theft on ensuring that the money and goods stolen from the incoming transports ended up in the coffers of the state not the lockers of individual members of the SS Morgan was shocked by what he found examination of the lockers yielded a fortune in gold rings pearls and money in all kinds of currencies the conduct of the SS staff was beyond any of the standards that you'd expect from soldiers they gave the impression of being degenerate and brutal parasites which were God I was on a business trip to Berlin to deliver English Pounds and American dollars and just at that time they raided the quarters of the NCOs and other ranks and when I returned my locker was sealed kerning knew that two of his comrades had already been arrested because contraband had been found in their possession one of them later hanged himself in his self-knowing his own locker contained stolen goods kerning came up with an ingenious way out of his predicament the Gestapo had sealed the front of his locker so clearning simply took off the back kemberly so I went to the Gestapo and said look what nonsense see you up to it I can't get into my locker oh sorry listen I've just returned from a trip and I need it well we've got to check it first so they came took the three seals off opened found nothing patted me on the shoulder and said it's okay carry on wins it sorting but looking back aren't you sorry that you made your own life more comfortable while millions actually died only comes in absolutely absolutely not yes everybody is looking out for themselves so many people died in the war not only Jews so many things happened so many was shot so many snuffed it people burnt to death so many were burnt if I thought about all of that I wouldn't be able to live one minute longer this attitude that it was acceptable to prophet personally from the Jews wasn't just common at Auschwitz it became entrenched throughout the area of the killings this footage of Jews being robbed in Eastern Europe shows how easy it was for the Nazis and their collaborators to pocket money and jewelry for themselves and it was the corruption of individual Nazis which enabled Jews to fight back in the autumn of 1943 a major act of resistance occurred in the east of Poland at a Nazi death camp called sabi ball where the SS were just as corrupt as they were at Auschwitz did it steal despite everything they didn't go to Russia where the cameras were killed in there in the Russia in the Russian front on the Stalingrad they killed units and babies that's a good life from them they did live like kinks sabi ball was a tiny camp hidden in a forest this is an impression of what it looked like several hundred Jews were given a temporary stay of execution and forced to work here most sorting the belongings of those who had been murdered in the gas chambers of the camp a group of them realized they might be able to take advantage of the Germans greed and lure them to nearby workshops there's a beautiful leather court in this sorting area would you like to marry to to take a look at it because they were very greedy they picked up gold they picked up and ascended later home wend a tailor-made appointment with this officer to come tree o'clock to try on his uniform you could be sure he was three o'clock exactly there so we were able to plan approximately in then you divide the time of the killings you could see that every few minutes every 15 minutes a German was killed yeah me and Lana went to the cobbler shop and we hid behind some clothes in Aston spree at ELISA I do or say woman Abu I had an axe and he had an axe to apprecia limits and marriage sapa ghee she a german came in to try on some boots that the prisoners had made for they set him down opposite my hiding place at that moment I stepped out and hit him I didn't know that you should do it with the flat side of the axe I hit him with a blade we pulled him away and put some clothes over him really she nearly it toted your wore skinny amis almost immediately another german came in he walked up to the corpse kicked him y'all said what is this what is this mess over here what's going on stupids of this periodic yeah it was argued over with Dario at that moment I hit him with the axe and learner hit him as well we took his weapons I took one pistol learn it took the other one and we ran away the inmates rushed to the wire fences that surrounded the camp all the time under fire from Ukrainian guards in the watchtowers they pushed the fences down and ran straight towards the forest crossing a minefield I was told the last one to run I pulled down about two or three times each time I thought I'm hit but I did get apni thing happened to me in addition to the forests 100 meter 50 meter finally the forest 300 of the 600 Jews in sabi Bor managed to escape that day in the end about 50 of them evaded capture and survived the war many of them former Red Army soldiers who had been imprisoned in the camp here only those who flock together could survive Nagato the only thing that saved me my friends we would like brothers to each other in the wake of the Sobibor revolt Himmler ordered the closure of a number of camps in Poland and the murder by shooting of over 40, 000 people but the Nazis final solution was not progressing as Hitler and Himmler would have wished the Italians although allies of the Nazis had consistently refused to deport their Jews it wasn't until the Germans occupied their country that deportations began in Bulgaria although the government had already given up 11, 000 Jews from occupied territories there were protests during 1943 about proposals to deport Bulgarian Jews and in Romania Prime Minister antonescu having permitted the destruction of many Jewish communities refused to cooperate further for everyone knew that the Germans were losing the war in the East in the fight against the Red Army whole German units had been captured but one occupied country in Europe did more than any other to protect Jews Denmark the Germans had first occupied Denmark in 1940 but it was only now in August 1943 after Danish resistance had increased that they imposed full military rule now German brutality was practiced in the open and the Danish Jews were hugely at risk in September 1943 Hitler's representative in Denmark dr.
Varna best of the SS a man whose hands were already bloodied by the persecution of Jews in France and Poland met with the German diplomat Georg fared in and duckfist a known sympathizer of the Danes according to their later testimony best first informed him that 8, 000 Danish Jews would shortly be rounded up yeah does not all states fist the actual burden enough from ear Stinson's fight in October at Fenton 1zz in China Mukesh cut no answer – 9 DZ poha Geneva be Fela it was at this point that best acted seemingly out of character finished of anybody ah Stephen Kanter on the Newton din vagueness readin sewer nutrition Zions a physician doctor best the boy covered cobot our feet azim bests heavy hint about a bridge for the Danish Jews to neutral Sweden was clearly understood by doc Fitz he immediately warned Danish politicians who in turn warmed the Jews as a result on Wednesday the 29th of September 1943 in the central synagogue in Copenhagen rabbi Melchior made a surprise announcement during the service of that morning my father stopped the service and repeated the message that he had received don't be at home on Friday night on Friday the 1st of October when German security police visited the homes of Danish Jews they found that the vast majority had fled most had traveled to Danish ports where they sought a crossing to Sweden and at every stage of their escape the Jews were helped by their fellow Danes even by members of the Danish police I would go out and find one of the fishermen that I knew and tell him how many I had and we would have to bake and pour enough money to pay the fisherman as much as we could to get everybody on board once in neutral Sweden the Danish Jews were given food and shelter altogether 95% of Danish Jews were saved in a rescue action that is without parallel in the history of the Nazis final solution there Danes considered the Jewish population as a part of the Danish population and they could not understand why these people should have a separate treatment and I think it was very much a question of fairness and justice I would even say more that than love but while the motive of the Danes who helped the Jews was clear it's less easy to understand why varna best acted as he did one possible explanation is that he wanted the Jews to escape to save him the trouble of deporting them himself best sent a report to Berlin on October the 5th he said as the objective goal of the Jewish action in Denmark was the deegeu de fication of the country and not a successful headhunt it must be concluded that the Jewish action has reached its goal even committed Nazis like best were lacing their ideological hatred with pragmatism and in 1943 here with in Auschwitz main camp there was the most extraordinary example of that same thinking abeyance and so in 1943 Mia's cry and many others were living in block 24 a she says bro copy the block elder came in and said we're moving out because there's going to be a brothel here nah we all started laughing but it wasn't a joke it was bizarre but true block 24 just beside the main gate of Auschwitz was to become a brothel and the decision to make it happen had come from the very top of the SS Heinrich Himmler had been considering for some time how to provide incentives to prisoners within the concentration camp system he'd written to Otto Paul of the SS economic division I consider it necessary to provide in the most liberal way hard-working prisoners with women in brothels these instructions were passed on to common dance-like hearse in a directive from Paul in 1943 the other burst in and give here one funny essence half the nice long Titans flee wants a lager to be scared the idea wasn't for every prisoner to use the brothel certainly not the Jews but for vouchers for the brothel to be issued only to those prisoners whom the Nazis considered of special value as under the law not cling to be does ffff sustain the Stieg a foggy flood net FFF prisoners like Rashad Atsuko a member of the Auschwitz Fire Brigade if I wanted to get a voucher I had to sort things out with an SS man and they only gave our chest a healthy prisoners they wouldn't give them to prisoners who were on their last legs prisoners who worked as cooks for the SS as hairdressers for the SS the special prisoners got those vouchers yeah I got two vouchers little is known about the women who were forced to work in the brothel this whole subject is one many prefer not to talk about but it's believed they were selected from non Jewish prisoners already in the camp they were given these rooms on the first floor of block 24 where prisoners who had the necessary vouchers visited them I wanted to cuddle up to her as much as I could because it was three and a half years since I'd been arrested three and a half years without a woman in the brutalized atmosphere of Auschwitz prisoners like Rashad Atsuko found it hard to have sympathy for the women who worked in the brothel the girls were treated very well they had good food they went for walks they just had to carry out the work that was required of them it's fine the brothel lasted until January 1945 and the suffering endured by the women who worked in these rooms is one of the least acknowledged aspects of the history of Auschwitz shortly after supervising the opening of the brothel her slant that he was to be removed as commandant of Auschwitz he didn't want to leave he and his family had manufactured a comfortable life for themselves the SS investigation had uncovered clear evidence of corruption at the camp but hearse wasn't disgraced he was promoted to a desk job in concentration camp administration back in Berlin he left on his own rather than moved to Berlin his family preferred to stay on after he'd gone in the common dance house on the edge of Auschwitz main camp but hearse was not finished with Auschwitz yet just two months after he left the warehouse in Auschwitz where much of the evidence about corruption of the camp was being stored mysteriously caught fire [Music] purse would return to the camp in 1944 where he would oversee the dramatic months that made our schvitz into the biggest killing center the world has ever seen [Music] you.
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